Identify innovation opportunities

Young woman is analyzing business impulses

Insights into EARLY BRANDS Innovation & Technology Scouting

Create something positive together with positive people

In the digital age, business success strongly depends on the premature identification of new technologies and innovative business opportunities. How to keep one finger on the pulse of time? How to recognize business opportunities on early stages? How to make impulses usable for my company? Kamil one of our scouting experts finds answers for these questions.

Mann am PC wertet Innovation und Technologie Impulse aus dem Scouting aus
Worldwide scouting: identifying innovative business opportunities is essential for success in the dynamics of our digital age.

EARLY BRANDS Insights: Kamil, how can you easily explain Innovation & Technology Scouting?

Kamil: Innovation & Technology Scouting summarizes all activities to prematurely identify relevant market developments and trends – cross-market, world-wide. To recognize and utilize business opportunities for our partners. Thereby, impulses can be very diversified: from innovation and technology trends to startup activities and new tech companies through to new findings in sciences.

EARLY BRANDS Insights: Which attitudes and perspectives are needed to identify early stage innovation opportunities?

Kamil: First of all: an open mind + broad perspectives. Cross-market and cross-industry. Competitors of today might be not competitors of tomorrow. Thus, resting on one’s laurels is not enough. Continuity is essential to identify innovation and technology developments at early stages. In short: companies need to broaden their horizons by opening valuable playing fields for the future. All our partners have a clear understanding about that. They are willing to proactively create their future success.

EARLY BRANDS Insights: How do you and your colleagues support all that?

Kamil: We are an innovation consulting with strong expertise relating to early stage innovation. Thus, we support our expedition partners precisely and individually. From identification of business relevant innovation and technology impulses such as startups or market trends to creative design of business opportunities together with employees and users through to coordination and realization with potential technology partners. Scouting is an essential starting point and one key success factor for that.

EARLY BRANDS Insights: What distinguishes EARLY BRANDS approach for Innovation & Technology Scouting? What’s different?

Kamil: The formula for success: passionate, creative innovation and technology experts and knowhow + strong network of experts + positive, interactive collaboration with our partners. Also, our partner’s employees and corporate management are vital. We combine our knowhow and experiences with external scouting impulses. Thus, we create business opportunities with high relevance for our clients + their customers. In sum, our scouting approach is focused on people. That requires strong collaboration from day one.

Scouting Team arbeitet kreativ, neue Geschäftschancen erkennen
EARLY BRANDS focuses on humans, their ideas and thoughts. Thus, market-relevant business opportunities were created in a common scouting approach. 

EARLY BRANDS Insights: What is the value of your activities?

Kamil: Our partners pursue the goal to successfully develop their future business. We support them by identifying and creating short- and long-term innovation and technology opportunities. The value perspectives are varied: from efficiency and productivity benefits to improvements of product quality through to innovative opportunities for new income streams. We quantify values of innovation and technology opportunities prematurely. That supports decision-making: if an R&D manager can quantify potentials of material savings, he or she will get support for implementation. If a board member can assess how many users are willing to pay for a new innovative subscription offer, he or she might become interested to realize such services.

EARLY BRANDS Insights: How do you combine results from scouting with ideas from your partners?

Kamil: For this purpose, regular interaction, cooperation and communication is crucial. We have a keen intuition to capture and incorporate expectations, topics and ideas among different organizational levels – precisely, cooperative, productive, considered. This is exemplified by our insight dialogues as a starting point for our projects or by our regular stakeholder jour-fixes where different people an decision maker come together.

Last but not least my personal advice:

Identify business opportunities of tomorrow already today – proactively, creatively and jointly – for competitive edge and innovation success in the digital age.

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