What is a no-code MVP?

MVP without complicated coding


Maximum success with minimum effort – no-code MVP

Times where we spend our energy with drawn-out strategy and innovation processes, where we created new business opportunities in the “quiet chamber” are definitely over: momentum of innovation and new technologies, volatility of markets and constantly changing customer needs require new ways of thinking:

Be quick. Test early. Review. Move on. “Build-Measure-Learn”. And that only is possible, if we create new business opportunities with real customers, on real markets from day one. Thus, keep focus on a minimum viable product (MVP) instead of breaking down your business idea to the last detail.

Rule of thumb: you do not need a “techie” and a complicated code. It also works without mature programming knowledge. We can also use “no-code MVPs” to test ideas with real customers. We can also go live without complete technical solutions. We need a functional, but not a finished version of the product/service.

The great thing about this: we do not have to “reinvent the wheel”. We do not have to do all the complicated programming and coding ourselves. We can use a great variety of tools and build on existing MVP solutions. Connect them. And so quickly and easily design MVPs that generate valuable feedback – right from the start. This is exactly what “no-code MVP” is all about…

Why “no-code MVP”?

Agility and relevance. MVPs are developed with real customers in real markets from the very start. This enables, to continuously adapt market needs and changes. Create products and services flexibly and agilely – not from the drawing board, but from the customer. Business opportunities are iteratively developed, challenged or even discarded. Likes and dislikes are always transparent. Success features can be evaluated more easily.

Time and costs. With no-code MVPs business opportunities are tested at a very early development stage. Pioneering advantages can be used while costs and efforts for programming are kept low. If the MVP is successful, further developments can be initiated quickly. On the other hand, if the MVP does not lead to success, no high investments have been made at all. Thus, costs and resources are reduced to a minimum. Expensive, complex programming efforts are avoided.

How to build a „no-code MVP“?

Starting point is the business opportunity + key points of the business model. In the first step, it is all about the core functions and features. What are the pain points of the product/service target groups? What are functions and features that solve these pain points? Which functions and features are “nice-to-have”? It is essential to reduce business ideas to the “important core” to successfully create no-code MVPs. What do you want to generate feedback in the first step? What will be a second step? Sketches or a paper prototype are great starting points finding the core of your no-code MVP …

Once the core functions for the MVP have been identified, it is time for implementation. Therefore, many different “tools” and “instruments” to generate customer feedback digitally without programming knowledge are already available today. This makes it easy: build on existing, established solutions. Whether Google Sheets, Zapier, WordPress or fancy tools like Invision – there is a wide range of intuitively usable tools to make an MVP experienceable without complex coding. Just as important as a tool: scenario and workflow or even the “what, how, why“. What should be achieved by an MVP? What should exactly be tested? How can it be tested?

„No-code MVP“ what’s next?

If the no-code MVP is “ready to rock“, it is time to collect valuable customer and user feedback. Measure. Review and analyze results – learn from them. Quickly and iteratively rock forward. Create business opportunities in the shoes of customers and users – and thus achieve market-oriented success. Keep on doing. And then of course, seek for technical/coding support and implementation – to code features and functions that matter to customers and markets.

We create new business opportunities concerning innovation and new technologies day by day. Together with our expedition partners. In our office in Bremen, agility, customer needs and a “test & learn mentality” are the basis for joint success. In this way, we successfully support leading partners in achieving maximum success with minimum cost and resource expenditures. We also use “no-code MVP’s” very versatile in our projects: from first “click dummies” to “no-code landing pages” – we are always close to users, customers and employees. Because we know: great people are more important than great codes…

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