Insights into our Innovation Team
A day full of innovation and new technologies
An innovation team interview with Alexander Witte
In our team interviews we look behind the scenes of EARLY BRANDS. Today, our Managing Director Alexander gives insights into innovation consulting at EARLY BRANDS …
EARLY BRANDS Insights: How do you start the day?
ALEXANDER: At 05:45 am, I wake up with the great Italian composer Otto Respighi. He is conducted by Naville Marriner and the Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra. With his Suite No. 3 from “Ancient Airs and Dances” I start the day in a positive and relaxed mood. After that, I either get useful advices and trainings from Coach Eddie about back muscle training or I put on my running shoes to go for a spin in the nature.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: Preferred means of transport?
ALEXANDER: Whether in Bremen, Zurich or San Francisco: by foot or by mountain bike. Enjoying the nature and the different seasons closely and immediately is a great thing. Our Chief Happiness Dog Walther is also happy when we set off together in the morning to our creative space in Bremen.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: What is your first activity when arriving the office?
ALEXANDER: I start my expeditions with a tasty coffee crema with a milk shot. After that, I have a look on my KANBAN where I juggle pink EARLY BRANDS post-it notes to organize topics and activities for my week and every single day. In the mix – manual on the wall + digital in our team Mural. On Mondays, we start together as innovation team. Talk about next steps and activities – what did we learn? What activities are coming up? What do I need for them? Thus, we start every week together, knowing what’s coming up and how the others are doing + how they feel.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: What do you never forget to pack?
ALEXANDER: A good mood, passion and an open mind to create new ideas day by day. Also, a tasty nut-mix – a great energy supplier.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: Indispensable tools and apps for your daily routines?
ALEXANDER: A pile of post-it notes and pencils. To easily write down ideas and thoughts of people I work with. My Iphone is a great tech gadget with everything you need. Just look at it and it is ready for you – due to face ID: from phone and video calls to great pictures from our innovation workshops and sessions.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: How do you spend the time with your innovation team? What is most important for you?
ALEXANDER: I have a lot of answers for that question. I always have an open ear, listen to people and offer support whenever it is needed. Gratitude is also a very important thing for me.We talk openly. Not only about work, but also about our gut feelings. That brings us together. And makes us strong.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: Personal tips around innovation and technology?
ALEXANDER: In our digital age, passionate people are the key factor for success. 1# Take empathic people on board who have the power and ambition to create innovations in a positive way. From executive board members to project managers. 2# Pull instead of push. 3# Think outside the box. Think and act across different market and sectors. Create innovation opportunities broadly. 4# Empowerment. Let it go. You do not have to do everything on your own. 5# Think in playing fields and respect all the players.
EARLY BRANDS Insights: How do you end a successful day?
ALEXANDER: If possible, I enjoy dinner with my family and have calls with my friends. I like to bring sushi but with our current 29 °C, I prefer tasty ice cream from my favorite ice cream parlor. Also, I follow T3N Digital Pioniers Podcasts, listen to Eine Stunde History or IQ Wissenschaft und Forschung. I am willing to discover and understand our world. Also, I can recommend book readings with Blinkist.
Catch the Future …!